316 Insulation of Olympia Provides Attic Insulation For New Construction and Retrofits

If you’re looking to reduce your energy bills and make your home more comfortable, attic insulation is a smart choice. Insulation prevents heat from escaping in winter and outside air from penetrating in summer, which helps your HVAC system work less hard to maintain the indoor climate of your home. In fact, insulated attics save you an average of 15% on your heating and cooling costs.

At 316 Insulation of Olympia, we provide spray foam insulation for new construction and retrofits in Olympia and the surrounding areas. This type of insulation is sprayed into attics and wall cavities and expands to fill the space, creating an airtight seal. The foam provides a high R-Value, ensuring superior thermal efficiency and energy savings.

316 Insulation of Olympia: Sustainable Attic Insulation Options

Before beginning the installation process, our professionals will inspect your attic and look for issues that could interfere with the efficiency of your insulation. This includes leaking roofs and any damage to the attic, such as rotted shingles or mold. They will also clear out your attic and remove any items that are obstructing the insulation. They will also seal any air leaks and install vent chutes to ensure proper attic ventilation.

Once the installation is complete, you’ll enjoy many benefits of attic insulation, including lower energy bills and a more comfortable living environment. It also protects your roof and prevents harmful outside pollutants like dust, pollen, and smoke from seeping into your home. Lastly, a well-insulated attic reduces outside noises and makes your living spaces more quiet.

316 Insulation of Olympia
2511 Columbia St SW Olympia WA 98501