How to Build a PBN

How to build a pbn  isn’t without its risks. However, if done correctly it can be one of the most powerful link building strategies available. In this article, we will cover the process of creating and maintaining a PBN so you can get the most out of it.

The most important thing to remember when setting up a pbn is that it needs to be built with relevancy in mind. This means that all the domains in your PBN should be related to your money site in some way. This will make the link profile look more natural to search engines and reduce the risk of getting a penalty.

How to Build a PBN: Step-by-Step Instructions

It’s also a good idea to try and get your PBN domains to have some sort of content on them. This can be as simple as a couple of dummy pages or even something more complex like a blog post. Just make sure the content on your pbn is good quality and doesn’t sound spammy.

Another important point is to make sure you’re using different hosting providers for each of your pbn sites. This will help to avoid any sort of overlap between your networks IP addresses which can flag you as a spammer. Also, it’s a good idea to use tools such as Majestic SEO to look at the Trust Flow and Citation Flow of each domain to ensure they aren’t too spammy. A good TF/CF ratio is around 70-80%. This will give you a good balance between authority and relevancy.